The likelihood of an artist from the Middle East coming to Berlin being seen through a non-orientalist lens is almost nonexistent.
Read MoreMany of the stories I read were literally about the authors describing their dream of a utopian future society. There are so many such Turkish sci-fi stories in the first half of the twentieth century that “Utopian Dream” can be classified as an entire subgenre.
Read MoreWhen I was 19, I joined a volunteer group and spent the summer living and working in Karin Tak, a village in Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh). Karin Tak, an Armenian village near Shushi, is named “under the rock” due to its location beneath the white cliffs that form Shushi’s southern edge.
Read MoreThe question—can refugees be spiteful and remain acceptable as refugees—spoke to the core of my Bosnian origin, all my experiences of the aggression on Bosnia in the period of 1992–1995
Read MoreThe Baloch, Pashtun, Kurd, Kashmiri, the people of Gilgit-Baltistan, and all colonized people and states should think about the best possibilities for collaboration.
Read MoreFor the urban/modern/civilised gaze, the source of rising fascism and racism are the inferior animalistic masses who must be repressed. It serves no purpose besides codifying townsfolk who are defined through their proximity to nature as lower life forms enslaved by their savage instincts and civilization as its’ superior antithesis.
Read MoreBy writing this piece, around the 16th anniversary of Kosovo’s independence, I aim to motivate others to think more critically about Kosovo’s history and to expand our collective understanding of educational resistance movements.
Read MoreThe dictator is giving a tour through his New Museum of the Crimes of the Terrorist People which is adjacent to his third favorite Caspian palace, the gold and white one.
Read MoreArt, history and culture are also our resistance against the Israeli state because it represents a future for the Palestinian people. Documenting the past, and creating new culture and art means that there is something for Palestinians to continue building in the future.
Read MoreThis is the American in me, brought up on Disney arcs and promises of individual exceptionalism. Americanized modernity has rendered the bathroom arguably the most essential room in a modern household, but it was not always so.
Read MoreWe saw it happen to other people, to Bojack, to Diane, and we looked on in fear and awe, hoping we wouldn’t have to go through the same. We did, of course. Later on, we did.
Read MoreFrom experimental artists, musicians and DJs, to skateboarders and analog video enthusiasts; a new cultural trend -one favoring an independent and experimental approach- is making waves across the local and regional art scene.
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